PHP Encoder 14


Protect your PHP Scripts with Encryption & Licensing

  • Encoding support for PHP 8.3, 8.2, 8.1, 7.4 and many other legacy PHP versions.
  • Unique runtime compatibility allowing 8.2 encoded files to run on up to PHP 8.3 without re-encoding.

  • Unique External and Dynamic Keys encryption feature for the ultimate in PHP security.
  • Compiled Bytecode protection.
  • Command line plus GUI for Windows and macOS.
  • Binary code obfuscation.
  • Optional expiry, domain, IP and MAC locking for effective code licensing.
  • One time purchase with no annual renewal.
  • and more...
Discover why ionCube is the leading choice to secure PHP scripts with a Free Trial today.
Need to run a plugin or app?

ioncube Loader is required to run encoded applications.
It's free to install. For assistance we recommend using our Loader Wizard.

  • NEW! Online Licensing
    Save time on setting up complex licensing systems and use our ready-made online licensing solution. Maintain projects, setup users and download licenses all through our online portal.
  • Setting up for continuous integration/deployment?
    ionCube Encoder CI/CD Edition products allow for licensing flexibility when switching between container based environments. Read our advice on CI use on our blog or contact us via for assistance.
  • Developing kiosk, embedded or managed solutions?
    We also offer the option of customised encoder/loader products for enhanced protection. Get in touch via to let us know your specialised requirements.
more solutions...
  • Use Package Foundry to create easy to use installers for your web applications. Free Trial | Buy Now
  • The ionCube Bundler makes the creation of auto-executing self-extracting Windows archives from Windows or Linux a breeze!
  • Use the online PHP Encoder for low cost code protection.
  • ionCube24 - Service Monitoring, Website Security and Error Capture
    • Protect against malware and website defacement.
    • Real-Time detection and management.
    • Unexpected new or modified files instantly blocked.
    • Website PHP error alerts.